The Manhattan Secret by Marie-Bernadette Dupay is a book translated from French. It is a pretty good romance book but at times I had difficulty with whether or not I liked the main character, Elizabeth. She undergoes a lot of hardships and endures a mysterious childhood where all of a sudden the secrets of her biological parents, the voyage to the United States and her history just come to her as she is skating in Central Park. The couple who have taken her in and loved her since are discarded and the heroine goes off to France to a beautiful castle owned by her wealthy grandfather to discover her roots. She seems to have developed some type of clairvoyance and sees images of her future that do come to fruition at the books conclusion. There are several love interests and one of the main ones is a likeable fellow that befriended Elizabeth in her youth. The other is a mysterious carnal young man that is also devoted to Elizabeth and taken with her physical charms. The ending is an abrupt surprise and leaves the reader wandering about the future of several characters. Thanks #NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review #NetGalley#TheManhattanSecret.
Review of The Manhattan Secret by Marie-Bernadette Dupay
Christy Martin